Saturday, May 9, 2009

Earning 'dens'...

I've done my sums to find out how long it'll take me to earn enough dens to change my character's clothes...

Well, being a newbie, but a relatively 'good' noob compared to my friends (hehe...sorry guys...), I earn an average of 150 dens per song I play. I also earn 1,000 dens every time I get my license for the next level.

Other estimations:
Duration of each gameplay or song = 5 min
Average playing time per week = 5 hours/ week

Estimated dens earned per week ~10,000 dens

So to earn 400,000 dens, I'll take 40 weeks or 10 months.
I'll have to grind for 10 months and wait patiently to earn the dens to change my clothes. (And I may not even hve time to play 5 hours/week sometimes).

10 months!! No wonder some (or most youths) would rather get the A-cash cards for instant gratification.

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