I started playing Audition a week ago seeing how 'passionate' wakylala was with it. (HAHA)
I spent a long time signing up for an audition account, though I won't regret doing so.
First, I had to get an Asiasoft Passport Account. Thereafter, I had to activate my Audition account and create a character. I think I spent half an hour on that before I finally managed to create both the Asiasoft and Audition account.
I named my character omelette_plateau, which is actually a combination of my favourite food which is omelette and my favourite subject geography. (BEAMS)
While I created the character, I get to chose some basic apparel for omelette_plateau before embarking on my first dance experience in the virtual world.
My first few attempts were horrible, missing manymanymany keys and omelette_plateau stood there most of the time, while others were dancing away.
After a few more plays, I improved and I enjoyed the game more. I can even choose my favourite Korean songs such as tracks from Wondergirls to dance to!! (and sing to sometimes..haha)
What’s more, when one or more of your friends join in the fun and dance together in the same room, we can complain about how fast the song is and cheer when we play the game well. (of course hearing lots of each other's 'ohhs' and 'ahhs' when we miss the beat)
My take on the game?
It is good entertainment though gaming does have its own negative consequences. But it is still a stark fact it does serve as a good ice-breaker. (:
Written by: Omelette Plateau
Edited by: Wakylala
(Omelette plateau is one of our volunteers who started playing Audition with us. She's a sociology undergrad-to-be)
14 years ago
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